Cómo puedes donar y ayudar a NUESTROS vecinos
Donate FOOD:
The food bank receives the bulk of its food for distribution through the Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council. The food comes from the US Department of Agriculture's TEFAP program and two charitable organizations: Northwest Harvest and Second Harvest. However, we rely on food donations from community members to supplement those staples with items such as cereal and canned food (vegetables, fruit, tuna, soup). We appreciate donations of all other food products that are unexpired and unopened.
Non-perishable food donations can be dropped off at our location at 316 River St. Please place the items in the filing cabinet. Our volunteers check it regularly. Please call 509-245-6464 if you have more food than will fit in the drop-off bin, or are interested in donating fresh produce.
Donate MONEY:
The food bank has been the grateful recipient of cash donations for many years from individuals and organizations in our community. In 2019 and 2020 we received a record number of monetary donations. The outpouring of support from our community has been tremendous and deeply appreciated. Although most of the food we receive is free of charge we have some ongoing costs as part of our food bank operation. We look forward to improving our service to the community with the help of these funds and other grants that we’ve received.
To contribute to our community food bank please make checks out to “Cashmere Food Bank” and mail to PO Box 225, Cashmere, WA 98815 or donate online by clicking the button below. Donations are tax-deductible. Please request a receipt if needed. Our federal tax ID # is 46-5630025. We are registered as a charity (#2010804) per the Washington State Charitable Solicitations Act. Registration information found at www.sos.wa.gov/charities.
Donate via Martin's Receipts:
Our local grocery store, Martin's Market IGA, also supports the food bank by donating 1% of submitted customer receipts. Please save up your Martin's receipts and mail them to our PO Box or drop them off at distribution so that we can receive the 1% donation.
Donate TIME:
We love our volunteers and we look forward to adding more in the future. We have volunteers who commit to regular service as well as one-time occasions. Please fill out the Volunteer Interest form on the Volunteer tab. We look forward to hearing from you.

Donating food is easy- just drop off at your convenience in this drop box!
ways you can donate:
Contáctenos por correo electrónico y lo ayudaremos a procesar cualquier donación que tenga disponible.
Aceptamos cheques personales a nombre de:
Banco de alimentos de cachemira
Apartado de correos 225
Cashmere, WA 98815
Aceptamos cheques personales a nombre de:
Banco de alimentos de cachemira
Apartado de correos 225
Cashmere, WA 98815